"I would highly recommend Beth to anyone losing their way for whatever reason. She is inspiring and knows how to help and guide a lost soul in a soothing and kind way. She is a true light in my darkness." ~Andrea

Star Priestess Astrology

Blueprint of your Soul Reading £155

"Wow, it was so powerful. It was like Beth had been able to look so deep into my soul. I now understand myself better than I did before and can see the areas I want to work on, my challenges and my opportunities. I am so grateful, thank you Beth for an incredible reading." Jo

It is such an honour and a privilege, as a Sister of the Stars, to now be able bring to you sacred offerings of Goddess Astrology.


I have been studying with the beautiful Maria Jones, Priestess of the Stars and Creatrix of the Stella Mystery School, through which the Silver Spiral was created and is delivered via the Goddess Temple in Glastonbury.


A Goddess centred birth chart reading is a truly special experience. It is like looking into a mirror but not just seeing your reflection, you look far beyond that, deep into your soul. You meet yourself for what can feel like the very first time.


Most of us know our Sun sign, often referred to as a star sign but you are so much more than that.


Your birth chart is unique to you, your tapestry that was weaved at the moment you were born, a beautiful creation made up of the signs of the zodiac, the sun Goddess referred to as Sol, the Moon Goddess referred to as Lunar and then the 9 planetary Goddesses, Mars, Venus, Jupitera, Mercuria, Saturnia, Plutonia, Chiron, Neptunia, and Urania.


How would you like to understand why you respond to situations in the way that you do? How would you like to know where you can draw on your strength and your courage? How would you like to know where you feel most nurtured? What about where you feel most challenged? Where your lessons are? Your core wounds? How you feel most valued?

Understanding your birth chart is like receiving that ‘aha’
or lightbulb moment when everything suddenly begins to slot into place. Once you understand who you are on a soul
level, things can become easier.


For example, if like me, you discover you are a Sagittarius Moon, then the chances are you will find out you feel nurtured through freedom and you need your space. If things start to go wrong, or if you start to feel confined or smothered, then wanting to escape and runaway can feel like a very real option. Understanding this can help you and others in your life to deal with different situations.


Understanding where Saturnia is in your chart can help
you with your boundaries and life lessons, hard work, and karma. Understanding where Chiron sits will help you to heal
your wounds. Understanding Mars can help you to draw on your inner power and courage.

Think of them all as your warriors, they are there to help and support you, but you need to know them, to know they are there and understand where they sit to be able to call on them for their support.


In your reading we will look at all the planets with the exception of Neptunia and Urania, but we will also look at both your South Node and your North Node, your past live and the life you are destined to live now.


When you feel ready, when you feel called, why not come
with me on a journey, your journey, to meet your soul and discover who you truly are with a Goddess centred birth chart reading.

It would be an honour and a privilege to serve you in this way.

With love and blessings, Beth

"Beth is a beautiful, gentle soul and I cannot recommend her enough. If you are reading this wondering whether to have a reading with Beth, just book it, you will not be disappointed." Alison


Your investment for this reading is £155. Included in this is a copy of your birth chart and the report I compiled for you. (average 16 - 18 pages)

You will need to provide me with your date of birth, time of birth and place of birth and allow up to 90 minutes for your reading which will include time for you to ask questions. Your reading will be done over Zoom or it can be done in person if you are local to me in or near Burnham on Sea, Somerset.

Blueprint of your Soul
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