"I would highly recommend Beth to anyone losing their way for whatever reason. She is inspiring and knows how to help and guide a lost soul in a soothing and kind way. She is a true light in my darkness." ~Andrea

Work with me


I am passionate about working with people in a variety of ways from offering 1:1 coachings to holding powerful Sister Circles and workshops. I am also working on some new offerings so why not take a look and see what resonates.

The Soulful Sanctuary

Your Route to Serenity and Balance

This beautiful 8 week programme has been designed for women who are feeling exhausted, depressed, and lost.

Working with the cycle of the moon, you will release what no longer serves you, and start focusing on the things that you desire more of in your life. You will begin to create a meaningful practice of sacred self-care, bringing a sense of serenity and balance back into your life.

Every week you will be held in a safe and sacred circle with 3 other women and myself where you will be encouraged to share, be heard and witnessed without fear of being judged.

The Sacred Sanctuary Membership

This beautiful membership is a powerful combination of working with Lunar, the Goddess Moon herself, and all of her empowering
characteristics that she brings to us.


I want you to be able to draw strength from it, to feel
that you can not only enjoy the membership but that you also find it as a source of motivation, support, and encouragement, to help you achieve your intentions and goals, to release what no longer serves you and to begin a transformational healing journey. Includes access to a meditation library.

Spiritual Life Purpose Coaching

It is an honour and a privilege to be in service to my clients, and to facilitate their transformational healing journey. So let me ask you, are you ready to embark on a profound journey of self-discovery and unlock your true potential?

Can you visualise a life where you radiate confidence, clarity, and purpose. Where you feel deeply connected to your intuition and manifest your dreams effortlessly?

Now is your time to step into your power and create the life you deserve and it would be an honour and a privilege to be in service to you, to help you on your path.

Soul Enquiry

This intensive 2 hour session via Zoom has been designed to help give you clarity and focus regarding what it is that you truly want. What is your soul calling you to do.

If you are feeling lost, without any sense of purpose or direction and need some sort of guidance then this could be just the starting point for you. I will help guide you and together we will help find your soul's purpose, set some intentions and formulate an action plan to help you achieve your goals.

Soul Healing Coaching

The Astrological birth chart is your sacred blueprint

that maps out your soul’s journey in this lifetime and past lifetimes. It is the most beautiful and powerful intricate tapestry, that has been woven uniquely just for you, illustrating your strengths, your gifts, and your challenges.

I will take you on a journey to meet your soul at the time of your birth, to discover your past lives and to discover your soul's purpose in this lifetime.

Blueprint of your Soul

The Astrological birth chart is your sacred blueprint
that maps out your soul’s journey in this lifetime and past lifetimes. It is the most beautiful and powerful intricate tapestry, that has been woven uniquely just for you, illustrating your strengths, your gifts, and your challenges.

I will take you on a journey to meet your soul at the time of your birth, to discover your past lives and to discover your soul's purpose in this lifetime.

New Moon Sister Circles

It is an honour and a privilege to be able to offer New Moon Sister Circles to the women in my local community.

I believe that there is a great need for these circles, a sacred space for women to go where they can feel held, listened to and witnessed.

The purpose of the New Moon circles is to help women to find some clarity and focus in the month ahead, to be able to set intentions with the energy of the moon, to manifest what it is that they want to bring into their lives. I offer meditation, breathwork, a bit of coaching, affirmations, ceremony, smoke blessing and most importantly, a sacred safe space to come together. You can find out more by clicking the button below.

Full Moon Sister Circles

To be able to offer Full Moon Sister Circles to my local community feels so special, I feel so honoured and so blessed. These circles are desperately needed and to be able to create a beautiful, safe and sacred space where women can come together, to feel held, listened to and witnessed, is very powerful.

The Full Moon is a time for releasing and this circle helps us to do just that. I offer meditations, affirmations, breathwork, smoke blessings, a release ceremony and most importantly, a sacred safe space to come together. You can find out more by clicking the button below.


I love offering in-person workshops. It is a wonderful way to meet people and to share my knowledge, passion and experience. I offer a variety of workshops from Empowerment group coaching sessions through to Vision boards, working with the Moon and all sorts of things in between. Some I offer on my own and some are in collaboration with my good friend Jill Cowels of Jellybean Solutions. So why not take a look and see what is coming up in the diary. All are held at Berrow Village Hall in Somerset unless otherwise stated.

Incase you haven't worked it out yet, coaching is my passion and I want everyone to feel strong, confident and empowered to be who they want to be without fear holding them back. Everyone has the right to feel good about themselves, to see their self-worth and to believe in themselves.